Manage Anger in 3 Simple Steps

Manage Anger, or else anger will punish you. We do not punish others with our anger, but ourselves. Understand the effects of anger, and how anger management can help you.

No two people will react and feel the same about a situation. If we see something unfair or wrong happening – one person might stand up and fight it, another one might call someone to help, and some might even walk away. These are the common three strategies that we use, fight, fight, and avoid.

Anger is an Emotion in which one has a strong feeling of annoyancedispleasure, or hostility. Like any other emotion, it is only human to experience Anger…..but not being able to manage it and being carried away by it is what needs to be looked at.

Effects of Anger

We all know the effects Anger has on our body like an increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, tightening of muscles, etc which can lead to even to a heart attack/stroke. If we realize the harm uncontrolled Anger can cause not just to us physically but also to our relationships, that is the first step in moving forward.

Responses to Anger

There are three basic approaches to responding to anger: Expression, Suppression, and Management.

Expression and Suppression are two extremes, blowing up or holding it in — neither is healthy. Managing anger well is about acknowledging anger as a normal emotion, paying attention to it, and making choices that allow us to improve our situations. To manage our anger we need to increase our AWARENESSCOOL IT and THINK!

Learn to Manage Anger

Be AWARE of Anger

The answers to the following questions will help in understanding my Anger…each person’s anger is different.

  • What makes me angry?
  • How angry do I get?
  • What do I do when I get angry?
  • How long do I stay angry?

One can learn to improve self-awareness so that emotional awareness improves. Emotional awareness is necessary to manage anger.

Take Steps to COOL Your Anger

As each person’s anger is different the way we cool off is also different. What might work for one might not work for the other…

Delay and Cool Down

  • Count to 10 (really angry, count to 100!)
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Take Deep Breaths

Distract and Cool Down

  • Take a walk or march…coordinating your steps with the count will take your mind of things
  • Move away from the situation

Relax to Cool Down

  • Listen to music
  • Take a nap
  • Play with a pet or a baby
  • Watch a comedy

THINK Right and Manage Anger

Once you are calm and can analyze the situation logically THINK. You should realize that Anger does not punish others, but harms your own self. Thinking right is to put yourself first. Why harm yourself?

  1. Differentiate between fact and opinion. We keep harboring opinions and fail to look at facts…. like if someone is not answering the phone…..she never answers my call versus she did not take my call this afternoon.
  2. Take responsibility for what you are feeling and realize that that anger is only temporary. He makes me mad by leaving the clothes all over the place Versus I am mad because things are not kept in their proper place.
  3. Next time you come across a similar situation, how you are going to handle it? The next time you find the clothes lying on the floor, how are you going to react….what are you going to do to resolve the situation….

Be AWARE of Anger,
COOL The Anger,
and THINK Right!

You could watch a comedy movie on Anger Management and get some ideas on how to manage your own anger.

Behavior Change Articles


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Holistic Wellness, Happiness and Growth

For holistic wellness physical wellness, emotional wellness, mental wellness, and spiritual wellness are important. When we lose out on one of these aspects, the balance that we need in life is shaken affecting our happiness.

We need to focus on growth skills to grow in the 4 important dimensions of holistic wellness. Only then can we be physically fit, emotionally at peace, mentally clear, spiritually aware, and achieve true personal growth!

Learning is important for skill development. It is our endeavor to share information and knowledge based on our experience so that we all can lead happier lives. Only holistic personal growth can give us the happiness that we really seek.

There are many business, social, and spiritual organizations and community outreach projects of businesses that are directly or indirectly involved in personal development and personal growth. You can work with one or more of these organizations based on your own needs.

We all are looking to contribute to the greater good in our own different ways. If we can be of service, do let us know.
