Sleep Tips: 10 Simple Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Faster

It is imperative that you get enough sleep and rest to stay healthy and lose weight. We should start listening to our bodies so that we maintain good health. Some people find it difficult to switch off and fall asleep at night. This article will lead you to 10 simple sleep tips which will help you fall asleep easily.

The amount of sleep one needs to feel well-rested varies from person to person. Try going to bed at the same time every night for a week in order to determine your sleep needs. Get up spontaneously without an alarm clock in the morning. Total up your sleeping hours and divide by seven. That’s your average sleep time.

Problems associated with sleep deprivation

Chronic sleep deprivation may lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, obesity, depression, impaired immunity, and decreased sex drive. In addition, sleep deprivation affects one’s appearance.

Insufficient sleep promotes hunger and appetite, which in turn results in excessive food intake, according to Eve Van Cauter, director of the Sleep, Metabolism and Health Center at the University of Chicago.
Studies have shown that when people don’t get enough sleep

  • Have increased levels of a hunger hormone called ghrelin and decreased levels of the satiety/fullness hormone called leptin, which could lead to overeating and weight gain.
  • People who are sleep deprived tend to consume about 300 calories a day more than when they are well-rested.
  • They tend to snack more and do less physical activity.

There are some illnesses and medications that can cause sleep problems, but most sleep problems are caused by anxiety, depression, or other emotional issues.

10 Sleep Tips to help you Fall Asleep Easily

Here are 10 simple sleep tips to make it easier for you to fall asleep at night

Sleep Tips #1 – Learn to Switch Off

Teach yourself to switch off worries and disturbing thoughts so you can sleep peacefully. You can induce sleep with meditation, relaxation exercises, and imagery. You can also use an old remedy of counting sheep to help you get to sleep. You could, for example, name a city or country for each letter of the alphabet. It’s likely that you’ll fall asleep before reaching the tough Qs and Xs.

Sleep Tips #2 – Establish a Bedtime Routine

When you feel sleepy, start the sequence of checking locked doors, brushing your teeth, putting on nightclothes, and getting into bed. After a while, the body begins to associate these activities with going to sleep.

Sleep Tips #3 – Regularize Wake Up Time

Set your alarm for the same time each morning, regardless of what time you went to bed or how well you slept. Avoid napping during the day. By nighttime, you’ll be more than ready to sleep.

Sleep Tips #4 – Get Fit

Studies indicate that regular physical activity promotes sleep. Avoid working out late at night, instead of exercising before dinner – you’ll eat less and sleep better.

Sleep Tips #5 – Avoid lying down in bed

Don’t stay in the bed for more than 15 min if you haven’t fallen asleep. Get up and read a good (but not too engrossing) book. Return to bed when you start to feel sleepy.

Sleep Tips #6 – Avoid other activities in bed

Avoid reading, watching TV, or eating in bed- save the bed for sleeping and love-making only.

Sleep Tips #7 – Avoid Substances Causing Insomnia

As much as possible, avoid late-day use of substances that can cause insomnia. These include alcohol, caffeine, antidepressants, bronchodilator asthma medications, blood pressure medications, decongestants, and diuretics.

Sleep Tip #8 – Take a Warm Bath

Relax in a warm bath before going to bed. Try adding a few drops of lavender, marjoram, or clary sage oil, which aromatherapists recommend to induce sleep.

Sleep Tips #9 – Take Sleep-Inducing BedTime Foods

Foods high in the amino acid tryptophan promote sleep. Try bedtime snacks of yogurt, almonds, dates, dried figs, or bananas. A glass of milk or chamomile tea may also help.

Sleep Tips #10 -Avoid Gadgets Before Sleep Time

Melatonin is a hormone that your brain produces in response to darkness. Quit the use of gadgets, computers, and TV at least 2 hours before your sleep time. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production. Switch to mood lighting and dim lights. This induces the body to release Melatonin which in turn will help you fall asleep.

Besides better health and aiding weight loss, with better sleep, you will be more positive and energetic in the morning.

Sleep Well!

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